1. Obtain Consent: Under PIPEDA and CASL, you generally need to obtain informed consent from users before placing cookies on their devices, unless the cookies are strictly necessary for the functioning of the website (e.g., session cookies).
  2. Provide Clear Information: When seeking consent for cookies, provide clear and easily understandable information about the purpose of the cookies, their duration, and the types of information collected. You should also inform users about how they can manage their cookie preferences.
  3. Opt-Out Mechanism: Include an opt-out mechanism that allows users to refuse the use of non-essential cookies or withdraw their consent at any time. Users should be able to easily access and modify their cookie preferences.
  4. Third-Party Cookies: If you use third-party cookies, such as those from analytics or advertising providers, disclose this information in your Privacy Policy and provide details about the third parties involved. Inform users about the purposes of these cookies and provide options to opt out of third-party data collection and targeted advertising, if applicable.
  5. Privacy Policy: Ensure that your Privacy Policy includes a dedicated section that provides detailed information about your use of cookies, including the types of cookies used, their purpose, and any third parties involved. Also, explain how users can manage their cookie preferences and provide links to relevant opt-out mechanisms.
  6. Regularly Review and Update: Regularly review and update your cookie practices and policies to stay in compliance with changing laws and regulations in Canada.